Monday, May 20, 2013

Trip to CA in 1 day!

Hey everyone!  I'm so excited tomorrow I'm leaving for a trip to California (I've never been) and I'm visiting LA & San Diego...Already have so many great sights picked out to see!  We're visiting for my 30th birthday!  We'll be in each area around a week!  I'll let you all know how it was and show some pictures!

Essential Oil 101

I am sure many of you have heard of Essential Oils either online or when you go into a Health Foods Store.  But what exactly are they and why are some so cheap and others so EXPENSIVE! 
Essential Oils are Non water-based phytochemicals made up of volatile aromatic compounds.  Although they are fat soluble, they do not include fatty lipids or acids found in vegetable and animal oils. Essential oils are very clean, almost crisp, to the touch and are immediately absorbed by the skin. Pure, unadulterated essential oils are translucent and range in color from crystal clear to deep blue.
You can use Essential Oils both :  A-Aromatically (in a diffuser or a drop on your hand and cupping it to inhale) Think Diffuser, T-Topically (put them on your reflexology points and get a great benefit)
The differences between Essential Oils you find in stores that are very cheap are things:  Chemicals & Fillers!  If you find really cheap Essential Oils more than likely they are not really 100% pure as they claim.  The brand I recommend because of consistent purity and reliability is DoTERRA!  DoTERRA Essential Oils even have some Essential Oils that can be ingested because it is that pure. 
¢  Essential Oils are your way to take care of you and your families Health Concerns without going to Antibiotics!  Here are some easy ways you can use DoTERRA Essential Oils in your household:   Headaches- PastTense
¢  Fever- Peppermint Essential Oil
¢  Digestive Issues- Digestzen
¢  Joint pain/Muscle Aches- Deep Blue
¢  Sunburn- Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, and Melaleuca
¢  Immunity- OnGuard
¢  Sinus Issues- Melaleuca
¢  Allergies- Breathe
¢  Detox- Zendocrine
¢  Weight Loss- Slim & Sassy

If you’re interested in purchasing any of these Essential Oils go to:   If you want to buy them at Wholesale or make an additional income by sharing the amazing benefits of Essential Oils with your Friends & Family contact me for more info! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

1st Gluten Free Tour

Hey everyone!  Sorry its been so long since my last post...I've been unmotivated to write in this blog since I'm already writing in my 3 facebook business pages!  Well anyways I had my 1st Gluten Free Tour on Monday April 8th!  It was so fabulous!  We met at The Union Square Whole Foods and the rest is magic!  We took a total of 2 buses and went to a bunch of restaurants, bakeries, and Gluten Free shops!  I even realized me and the tour attendees were connected someway.  Its funny what a small world we live in! 

It was definitely one of the best days I've had in awhile. 

What are you doing to enjoy the sunshine? 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Essential Oil's Beginner Guide!

If you're like me you're interested in finding holistic ways to avoid medications!  This is what has created the biggest demand for ESSENTIAL OILS!  Want to know the purpose for each one and how they work?  I'm here to teach you what each oil is used for and how you can make the most out of this wonderful business or even just use them for your own personal/ family use!
Rosemary-  Great for hair regrowth, muscle aches and pains!
Peppermint -a great digestive aid!  If you have any digestive issue this is something you need!
Melaleuca- great for the skin, great for acne. lemon
Lemon- adds a little flavor to your water, cooking, disinfecting your kitchen, air, bathroom, etc.,
Past tense blend- achy back, onguard blend for keeping us healthy (it also comes in a soap!), Breathe blend for being sick/allergies/sinuses
Frankincense- anti depressant/anxiety, also increases libido.
Thyme-  Great for the winter cold!
Geranium- Great for aches and joints!
Helichrysum- Great for regenerative effect, soothing, and great for tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
Lavender-  Calming and works great on scrapes/cuts!
Melissa- Calms the nerves, great for stomach bugs, mood support, and season bugs.
Ylang Ylang-  Mood enhancer!
Check out the webinar from yesterday at:
For more information go to

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What will you give to 2013?

Since we're embarking on  a brand new year...well its already 2013 so the year has begun but you know what I mean!
Based on one of my favorite books I read over a year ago and my current studies at IIN (The Institute for Integrative Nutrition) to be a Health Coach, I am going to make monthly goals and hold myself accountable for the positive things that comes along!  Find your happiness and the rest is easy!

January- Get my book finished and ready to be published! Since it is basically already finished and just needs some proofreading and editing...then I just need to get accepted by a Literary Coach!

February- Finally get my book published.  Get more intune with my meditation practice (its lacking in concentration), Go out to at least 2 networking events, and meet people I can later take on as Clients (New Mom's, Children and people with Food Allergies, Young Professionals, and Kosher Young Professionals). I will also be celebrating my Genuine Girlfriends group's 2 Year Anniversary! 

March- Build up my College Wellness Festival (for the end of April) and My Health coaching practice (for May)  Plus make my husband's 31st birthday absolutely as amazing as he is!

April- Finish the finishing touches of my Wellness Festival for college students!  The perfect chance to show college students you can have fun and be healthy too!

May- I intend to have at least 5 clients to start this month with so as long as I have that and can hold sessions I will be very happy!  I will also be enjoying myself towards the end of this month and head to CA for my 30th Birthday!

June- Continue seeing clients and start my Mastermind group!

July- Really enjoy summer and of course see more clients!  I want to master building Sand Castles! 

August- Do something special for my husband every week just to show him how much I appreciate him!  Plus I want to incorporate a beach trip or two into Genuine Girlfriends! 

September- I intend to learn new skills to bring my health coaching up a level and give the most to my clients!  (Ayurvedic)
I will update the other months very soon! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Pizza Mix review for Pamela's

Just made a Gluten Free Pizza using Pamela's Bread mix! 
It came out the way I like it w/soft chewy crust but it seems to be way too doughy inside!  Although I would recommend this against some other mixes! 
I used Lucini Marinara w/Basil and Garlic along with Daiya Cheese!  This pizza was also topped with Asparagus that was previously cooked in the oven w/garlic and coconut oil. 

I give this a 3 out of 5.