Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Post GFAF Expo (NJ) Summary with some amazing Gluten Free FINDS!

Well this weekend was AWESOME!  Saturday we had my favorite event of the year, yes I'm not even exaggerating as someone that's both Gluten & Dairy Free this is the event I look forward to every year because of all the delicious food I can eat!  I'm super excited to have made some great connections at the expo.  I even received some items to write reviews about which is awesome!  It was also a great opportunity to meet new Gluten Free Friends in the area!

By attending the event I found 5 great new brands I wasn't that familiar with!

Some of my favorite new brands I was only a little familiar with before the event but now am obsessed with are:  SweetNote Bagels (I love their pumpkin bagels)...half of my bagels I got from the event are already gone...next year i'll be buying a truckload of bagels thank you...they're THAT good!
Check them out at www.SweetNoteBakery.com

I found a delicious brownie made from black beans with maple syrup as their sweetener so I'm all about them!  Love Pure Genius because how healthy and delicious their products are it is PURE Genius!  They also make blondes!  www.PureGeniusProvisions.com

Another great brand I really enjoyed learning more about was Sweet Megan, I love their cake pops with cookie dough!  www.GlutenFreeSweetMegan.com

I'm sort of obsessed with a company I wasn't even that aware of before the event:  Natural Contents Kitchen!
I love their lemony Squash cupcakes!  They're definitely addictive and delicious!
Check them out at www.NaturalContents.com

I also found a great drink at the event:  Banana Coconut Water by Jax Coco!  This stuff is INCREDIBLE!! www.Jaxcoco.com

And of course we must not forget Jennifer's Way Bakery which I took a picture with Jennifer so make sure you're following me on Periscope/Twitter at TravelLaughLove, and on Instagram at GlutenFreeTourNYC to see that picture and follow all my gluten free fabulous adventures!  

Thursday, October 1, 2015

What my ideal client looks like

Hey everyone,
I just realized my post from 9/8 didn't post so here is the one you all missed:  Yeah I missed a week but I'm BACK!  I'm going to describe my ideal clients frustrations, where they hang out, and what they want most in their life, etc.  I'd love for you to comment with answers to these questions if you feel called:

What do you guys want to know about Gluten Free Living?

What are the top 3 problems you have since being Gluten Free?

Coming out to my family as Gluten Free, is this a topic you'd be interested in?

GFAF Expo + Wellness Lounge

Super excited to be attending the GF AF Expo this weekend with a PLAN...yes I said it so you can all hold me accountable!  Normally I just waver around the entire incredibly awesome Expo full of over 100 vendors just meeting people and getting extra delicious yummy GF food but this year I'm working on gaining more partnerships and building better relationships with Gluten Free and healthy living brands so I can improve my gluten free tours and get my gluten free coaching off the ground FINALLY!  I just finished being the assistant for The Wellness Lounge where I did all the social media and being the ongoing support for all vendors until the day of the event.  The event went amazingly!  I love event planning!  Back to the GFAF Expo, I'd love to meet up with anyone that's reading my blog or if you have a favorite vendor that'll be there feel free to post their name below!  <3 guys="" love="" next="" p="" post="" the="" until="" you="">